
Transperanto has been developed by Cefic (European Chemical Industry Council) in co-operation with ECTA, European Chemical Transport Association

Transperanto is a toolbox, containing key safety related words and phrases, translated in 26 European languages.

Transperanto does not aim at providing a full encyclopedy of technical transport jargon but focuses on communication between drivers and site personnel. Truck drivers from all over Europe are entering plants and other storage sites of Chemical Companies for loading and discharging products. Effective communication between the site personnel and the truck drivers is essential for efficient operations, for site security and for ensuring the safety of the involved persons, the installation and the transport equipment.

Improved communications and enhanced language skills are also essential elements for a successful "Behaviour Based Safety" programme, as they help ensuring common understanding and focus on important Safety, Health and Environmental requirements.

SET and Federchimica developped the Transperanto App for smartphone and tablet, dowloadable for IoS and Android.

link appstorelink googleplay
Need more information?

Servizio Emergenze Trasporti - SET
Via G. da Procida 11
20149 Milano
Tel. 0234565356